495 Sprint 6

    Bootleg Studios - Programmer Sprint 6

Day and Night Cycle

Downloaded a skybox and manipulated the directional light to give the effect a day and night cycle.

VFX Effects

Made a transparent smoke with photoshop and created a particle system that an effect of smoke trails coming out of the airplane and car giving an immersive feeling while playing the game.

SFX Sounds

Implemented 3D spatial audio with new audio that the sound engineer made. I implemented them through an audio source with spatial blend so the more far away you are away from it the less you can hear it but if you get closer it gets louder. It also has left ear, and right ear implemented as well so you'll hear it louder depending on which way you are looking. 

Splash Logo

I added a splash logo that was created from our 2D artist into Unity so whenever the game is built and launches you'll see Bootleg Studios logo.

New Music Category

Created a new music Category named Jazz with 2 songs added. There is now also an Exit button built into each radio station panel so instead of clicking 'R' it's a visual button to close panels.

Character Model and Animations

Animators created a character model with materials and I imported them into unity with animations. I attached and Animator onto the character as well for animations and created a new script that invokerepeats a function that SetActives the character to true and false over a set number of time.

Some problems I encountered on the way 

The only problem I really encountered on the way was myself getting blocked by the Animators. When I imported the Character model, and the control rig was created wrong but a super easy fix for the animators and notified me really fast about it. The control rig's name for the joints were duplicated so I mentioned it to them about it and fixed it pretty fast. Although, with the control rig messed up also were all the animations that were already created with the old control rig. So I felt bad, again. Unity let me know about that once again so shout to unity and I had to run over to the Animators and let them know about the animations and all was fixed.



For the function UpdateTime() it gets the currentTime and updates it with real time with the unity built in line Time.delta and gets divided with the duration of day which is a float that we get to decide on what is a full day and night within Unity and after it will just repeat using Mathf.Repeat() function. Inside of updateDayAndNightCycle it changes a whole lot of gradients and grabs the directionalLight and rotates is 360 degrees and changes a lot color and gradients throughout currentTime. For rotateSkybox() it rotates the skybox wit the given material float _Rotation that is inside of the material.

With the sound effects. I added an audio source (combustion) for inside of the RV and set the min distance and max distance to a realisitc level for the player. When you get closer to that AudioSource it gets louder and the more you get distant from it the audio decreases with a spatial bland of left and right for your earphones and headphones. The same exact process I did for the leaves blowing but in the backyard so it gives an effect of something is happening in the backyard for the player so the player can get curious and go to the backyard.

Next I loaded up Photoshop and created a super simple smoke transparent image and loaded that into unity. Then I created a particle effect system and slapped that transparent smoke image on a material and added that material onto the particleffect and decreased the startsize by a little and decreased the cone size to where it shoots straight and not around everywhere and came out looking pretty nice. 

So I actually spent around 30 minutes trying to find where to replace the Unity logo and I guess you can't. So Unity allows users to put their logo after the Unity logo pops up which I think is fair being a free game engine and I would assume other game engines do the same. Being said, I added the logo to show during the game loads up. 

Lastly with the Jazz Radio Station. You have the same controls as the other radio stations. You have Play/Pause/GoBack/Skip/Repeat and other options to go to different radio stations and a exit button. There is two songs implemented into the Jazz radio station as well where credit is due to the sound engineer for creating them.

For the Character Model and the Control Rig which is now all up and working. The character model has a nice Animator for animations and has a InvokeRepeating() function that allows the character to appear and dissapear within an amount of seconds. This feature was specifically added from the producer. 

Aftermath Of Everything


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