495 Sprint 4

   Bootleg Studios - Programmer Sprint 4

RV Placement

I added cabinets, still and some tables inside of the unity scene so the code can affect the cabinets around the scene

Customers Orders specifically fixed

For this specific situation my lead wanted wanted the customer to create an order right when the customer got to the order window, instead of just spawning and an order being created.

Layouts Dissapearing

The lead also wanted some tables dissapearing based off where the camera goes.

Pause Menu

I was tasked by my producer to create a pause menu so if the player needs to pause the game, the player can have access to quit and unpause the game and also add some art behind the pause menu.

Audio SFX

I also got tasked to create some audio SFX for when the lightning tree is ready for harvest and add a crying baby so the player can hear audio when playing the game. 

Some problems I encountered on the way 

For any of the code logic it wasn't really difficult at all. The only difficult (kind of,not really) process I had during this sprint was The customer order being specifically fixed to request an order based off a windows position but wasn't too difficult to create. I would was just say the overwhelming stress of cards being pointed towards me then removed, then more cards being pointed towards me, then removed again, then just scratching the whole idea of what I have made. I don't mind it at all to be honest, I just wished the Lead would have thought this whole game out more accordingly so we would all understand what is going on and what needs to be improved, fixed, added, removed, changed, etc, etc, etc. Basically everything I have done from Sprint 2 I believe to now kind of got removed but that's okay, I atleast I made and I did my fair share of work that was needed during the time, and I also learned some new techniques along the way as well. Also it's just business too so I'm not worried at all. I would constantly see in class the lead being targeted for the game being confusing or no core loop was involved, or the game wasn't really fetched to be a game due to the core loop. Now I am focusing on implementing changes during the game. 



In this IEnumerator function I just hide the table after the camera's transition. this was pretty simple because the camera script is what I already wrote during Sprint 1.

In the PauseMenu task. I created a universal script for all the devs to access. If the player presses the escape key, the PauseMenu panel prompts up with resuming the game and quitting the game. There is currently game music audio although I will talk will the producer to implement that this upcoming sprint. The player can either choose to resume the game, and quit the game. 

For the Customer Ordering script. Inside of update it just checks to see if the customer has reached the window point. if true and the customer hasn't requested an order already. then the customer will request an order upon reaching the window point position.

For the baby crying SFX. it's just inside of an AudioController script that plays during the game. It's not music, but I made this script to be an audio controller so when the sound engineer is done making all the SFX sounds, I can program them inside the game.

For the Lightning SFX, I put it inside of TreeManager script so when the tree is ready to be Harvested inside of TreeIntervalActive() function, the lightning sfx audio will play when the LightningFruit gameobject is set to active.




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