This process of being in a group has been a series of ups and downs. We are very passionate about the project goal we have made. This has been a different experience from the last sprint kick off because of the responsibility I was given during the half of the sprint 2. I really do appreciate the responsibility I was given to be a Co-Lead for the project and making sure everyone is engaged and driven in the project. I believe I also earned the responsibility of being Co-Lead as well just because I am always showing up to class, and putting in the work that needs to be done. During the first week of the sprint we did run into a little bit of trouble as our Co-Lead would not attend classes nor put in any work due to family. My other partner and I would just assign each other work and verify but learned very quickly that was not our job to do. So then I became co-lead for a short amount of time until Richard became Co-Lead again. We as a group also figured out a solution to Richard being more engaging as well, and that was by being more active on discord. During the first and second week of Sprint Kickoff, i got assigned 8 cards and 4 got passed verify. I worked on scene UI, Powerups, Bugs, Fall Detection, Organizing hierarchy, leveling out the new map inside of Unity made by the level designer, and also trying to make new cards and keeping everyone engaged in the project still. It became very tough for me at the end of the Sprint Kickoff just because I was focusing on doing my tasks, while leveling out everything in Unity. Also fixing a bunch of bugs that were constantly happening during the process as well. Sometimes the code would get mixed up and be in a different place just because of moving everything around inside of Unity. On the other hand, I also really enjoyed doing it because it gave me a sense of accomplishment and experience of holding a Co-Lead, and Programmer title because of the game we are creating. It feels like I am in an actual Game Studio with a team creating a video game. It is everything I have ever dreamed of since I was a kid, and I know my younger self would be extremely happy for my older self. I completed several work as a Co-Lead and a programmer, but the only work I put on the trello of me showing is programming tasks related, because as far as a co-lead I was just assigning backlog work for Richard, and our level designer. The work I could not complete was a checkpoint system, I did not get to work on that due to the fact that when I completed it when the timer goes down to 0, i want it to restart the game. The game ends but does not restart so I have a bug to fix in sprint 3, but should not be too difficult. Other tasks I could not have started were other power ups, a new game mode, I have a lot of programming tasks to do on trello, too much but I enjoy it because it keeps me productive on the game, and it is really satisfying picking out cards after you finish. What I am currently working on coming into Sprint 3 will be the bug fixes with the time reaching 0, I want the option to either end the game or restart the game, that would be a quick easy fix. Either way, I will be looking forward to tackling that new game mode, that should be a difficult one yet, a good card because that card can be worth a lot of points for the work I will be putting into that new game mode. The experience that I have in this team is very exciting due to the obstacles we have to overcome, also putting in efficient work. Some of the work I have done for sprint 2 is provided down below
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