SimpleDnDMap v3 feedback
I did a DnD test run with a couple of my friends via roll20 through discord. It went really successfully besides the fact that the maps were drawn out. My friends liked the whole idea of adding traps, levels, and difficult situations that were drawn out. It was comforting that the game lasted about half an hour but that's because we took our time on it and really dove into the aspect of criticizing the last DnD Map that I created. My friend added that they really enjoyed the idea that creating multiple scenarios is each level really adapted to the idea of fun and being distracted from the time. With the rule set added as well as other variations of rules being implemented helped out a lot. What went wrong was the fact that the map was drawn out pretty fast paced and it did not cover a lot of ground. I believe the level design aspect helped out more than the game design. The game design aspect, like I said , was just drawn out too fast. I believe that I spent more time designing the levels than creating the art work for it. The critical path was drawn out really well in the level design and the player knew where to go. There were some dead ends but they eventually saw that and started to see other pathways. I added dark caves where they need to obtain a light source in order to view the correct pathways. The overall flow of the DnD Map was good in their opinion. They sought out the designs of the level and acted very swiftly to understand the process. I downloaded the rule sheet and taught them the rules of the game about what they can or can not do. They asked a couple of questions on how using magic can differentiate the play style of the game and I told them it can not. They also asked about the healing rule set if they don’t have enough health or if they go under then I just told them they will faint and other players will have to roll ahead to heal the other players. All the appropriate rule mechanics I taught the players is that they have to follow all the rules, learn the game and level design and implement their own thoughts on how to play and follow the instructions, and playstyle of the game.I am really impressed of the level design that I implemented into the DnD Map but obviously that there can be a lot more improvisions.I can added a bit more details into the level, and also I could have added a lot more design into the map. Although, I believe the players really enjoyed it. I really appreciate the fact that I can gather all the notes from the lecture and get inspiration on how to implement the level design. I did kind of slack on the art of the map because I was going through the free assets and did not see anything that was apocalyptic like. I tried to also just capture free assets online and tried to add them into the game but the whole picture was overlaying everything in roll 20. It would hide all the assets and characters involved with the game. I also tried looking up some youtube examples to implement good art and design into the game but they required me to purchase roll20 premium assets. Overall I believe the level design I implemented was really well illustrated. For upcoming projects I will dive in deeper to art and game design.
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