
Showing posts from September, 2022

SimpleDnDMap v3 feedback

  I did a DnD test run with a couple of my friends via roll20 through discord. It went really successfully besides the fact that the maps were drawn out. My friends liked the whole idea of adding traps, levels, and difficult situations that were drawn out. It was comforting that the game lasted about half an hour but that's because we took our time on it and really dove into the aspect of criticizing the last DnD Map that I created. My friend added that they really enjoyed the idea that creating multiple scenarios is each level really adapted to the idea of fun and being distracted from the time. With the rule set added as well as other variations of rules being implemented helped out a lot. What went wrong was the fact that the map was drawn out pretty fast paced and it did not cover a lot of ground. I believe the level design aspect helped out more than the game design. The game design aspect, like I said , was just drawn out too fast. I believe that I spent more time designing t...