
Showing posts from February, 2024

SevenSeasToGlory - Sprint 2

   SevenSeasToGlory - Programmer Sprint 2 Spawners During Sprint 2 I had to implement a mechanism for handling Pirate Ship's and Pirate AI spawner. In Sprint 1 I just had the pirates spawning on the playership for testing purposes so I can work on the PvP combat. Now that I have worked on the pvp and the team and I feel satisfied with, now I was tasked to change the spawner to be on the Pirate Ship when it get's instatiated upon start. Same with the Pirate Ship's, they all get instantiated upon start and in the inspector you can actually choose how much ships you want, radius upon spawning so they aren't close to each other (or if you want them close to each other, decision is yours) and also how many pirates you want on the ship.  MiniMap With the MiniMap I was also tasked on the create a basic design so it shows the players, ships, and enemies that are around you. Right now it's just a basic square giving the player a sense of awareness of what is around the playe...

495 - Sprint 2

  Bootleg Studios - Programmer Sprint 2 Interpolating Camera With Button Clicks For Sprint 2, in the beginning I was finishing the touches on camera transitions to each window, along with the buttons appearing then disappearing on each transition. For ex. when you go to the order window, once you arrive at the order window the buttons will appear, then if you transition to the still, the old buttons will disappear and then the new buttons will reappear. That goes for the same with all windows and with smoothly transitioned camera. I really didn't touch the camera this sprint. just made sure the buttons were exactly how the Lead and Producer wanted them so I can go on to my next task. Interactable Glassware, Color and Flavor Objects For the most of this sprint I was working on pretty much the whole interactable selection with the glassware, color of liquid and flavor objects. First you choose a glassware you desire to brew, then a color of liquid and whichever glassware you choose,...

495 - Sprint 1

Bootleg Studios - Programmer Sprint 1 Interpolating Interactable Selections Interpolating selections is a unique technique in game development to create seamless transitions from one point to another. In our project, I implemented this technique to smoothly transition between different interactable objects in our scene such as the OrderWindow, Still, Computer, and Backyard, in all one smooth transition using Interpolation. Interpolating Camera With Button Clicks() This process was very straight foward to me. With my IEnumerator function I just attach the function that has the coroutine onto to button click. So whenever you press and click which object you want to go to, there will be buttons around your pov to transitions to other areas (mainArea, orderWindow,etc). I can show some examples on how I did this process down below. Some problems I encountered on the way were definitely starting off and thinking how do i go about creating a clickable selection? Or upon clicking have my came...